Forestopia Learning Forest -- Miyazaki Prefectural Gokase Secondary School

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Education at the Forestopia Learning Forest

Forestopia Plan

Our educational goals 

Forestopia Plan


The guiding principles of the Forestopia Project involve effectively utilizing the rich forest resources found in mountain villages, and adapting traditional lifestyles and culture with ingenuity to create healthy forest communities. Our aim is to establish thriving forest communities that can support "a return to human nature."

Action Items to Develop Forestopia
Envisioning the Types of Forest Found in Forestopia

A Main Project of the Learning Forest:
The Establishment of the Forestopia School

The Principal Aims of the School
  1. Develop individuals who can work actively in global society, and face the changes coming in the 21st century.
  2. Assign forests -a part of nature- as the setting for our educational project. Accordingly, develop thriving individuals by fostering a feeling of respect for nature; encouraging youthful, fearless creativity and enterprise; and cultivating rich humanity, imagination and cooperative spirit.
  3. Develop students' ability to educate themselves through self-directed learning experiences and experiments.
The Characteristics of a Six-Year Education at Forestopia School
  1. It is critical to develop student talent and identity during the six years of adolescence, when students are growing and changing rapidly. Connecting the lower and upper secondary programs can increase the effectiveness of teaching during this important time.
  2. Because the connection between the lower and upper secondary programs is smooth, there is stability in school life, from day to day and year to year.
  3. Six years of planned and continuous education enable a high degree of consistency and efficiency from year to year.
    • A six-year framework of systematic and continuous mentoring and oversight enables educational and career counseling programs tailored to each student's personality and aptitude.
    • Many extracurricular, club, and special activities include students from both the lower and upper secondary programs. Students, therefore, have many opportunities to develop sociability, autonomy, initiative, cooperativeness and leadership.
    • Having six years of life experience among peers of different grades (1st grade through 6th grade) enables the thorough development of sociability, humanity and leadership skills, and allows students to learn a better way of living.
    • Life experience in the boarding school enables the thorough development of sociability, self-discipline, initiative, independence, cooperativeness, patience and leadership.
    • Sufficient understanding of each student's interests and concerns, developed through six uninterrupted years of instruction, enables scheduled, continuous and personal guidance.
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